Senior Visit

On Thursdays we have some of the seniors from our community visit for lunch. It is so rewarding to see the camaraderie between the different ages. The older generation, of course,always know the students names and families. Absences are noted, birthdays celebrated together, crafts and games enjoyed together. Except for when a grandparent is attending, the kids don’t always remember the elders’ names. But they do like the attention lavished upon them.

Yesterday while one of the older students was waiting holding the door open for some seniors, he was waiting, waiting. “They’re just standing around talking.”

I had to remind him that they were just conversing with their peer group. Just like how his classmates liked to talk together. “Really? But in class we like to talk when we are not suppose to talk.”

So maybe the students are beginning to see older folk as real people too.



4 thoughts on “Senior Visit

  1. Some things we do as humans cross generations, for sure. It’s good for kids to see. You really brought us into the moment of the boy holding the door.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “Really? But in class we like to talk when we are not suppose to talk.” I love this line. I may use it on my own kids the next time they complain that *I* am talking too much with my own friends. So glad that your students get this opportunity.


  3. Thank you for posting this “senior moment”. 🙂 Loved it!! What a superb idea- Senior visits- regularly!
    I enjoyed reading your words and conversation about things learned outside the classroom. Kudos for making the connection with your student, building empathy in a way. I would be interested in knowing more about how you set up “senior visits”. If you are able to reply… do you have to brief the seniors on what to expect as well as the students? Or… is it simply- they’re coming to eat lunch with you every Thursday so be extra respectful, responsible and kind? Thanks again!!


    1. It had started out as part of the state prorgram Senior MealIt transformed into our own version. Wee have to have the seniors get a security ch


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