Day 3- A Slice of “Frogs”

An oh so funny reminder of how girls and boys can be so different. After teaching a lesson on line plots, then making our own origami frogs to use for a jumping contest and plotting the results, the students kept their own frogs. The majority of the 4th grade girls made little houses for their frogs out of index cards and were happy to let them sit on the desks. But the boys, “Can we make them bigger, stronger, better?” They wanted to add springs and more, so their frogs were soon jumping over books, desks and people’s heads! You’ve got to love them both!

3 thoughts on “Day 3- A Slice of “Frogs”

  1. HA! I blogged about frogs today took, only my take a little different, about new meanings f the word. Isn;t it interesting how the kids still fall back into genera roles.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Observing kids should be a spectator sport. They are so funny.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Funny how the different responses split right down gender lines. It is fascinating to observe these differences, isn’t it?


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