A Note to my Future Self

Dear Teri,

This is just a short note to help you remember some important things about yourself.

You have always had a strong work ethic. You always had a job, beginning in high school and college. You know how to work efficiently. Sometimes you work too much. Sometimes you have difficulty relaxing. I hope you are enjoying your retirement. Keeping busy, but not too busy.

You have always kept your commitments. If you said you were going to do something, you did complete that promise. You are reliable. You often said, “I do my best work under pressure!”

You are a loving person. You wanted to always see the best in your students, family and friends. You are an optimist, always hoping for the best. I hope you are happy with family and friends.

You are a worrier. Especially a middle-of-the-night worrier. That, of course, is when everything looks worse. You worried and tried to plan against all possible troubles, real or imagined. I hope you are now not worrying so much.

To be continued… I’m off to work now!

4 thoughts on “A Note to my Future Self

  1. I love the idea of writing a note to yourself- especially one that is positive. We are often so hard on ourselves that is nice to think of all the good qualities we have. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We should all write notes to ourselves once in a while. You know yourself — the good, and the troublesome. I worry, too. Don’t let worry drag you down.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You acknowledge the possible downsides of yourself, but then provide reminders that you have what it takes to tackle these challenges. The letter format works well. I share your “worrier” characterization…that’s me. Soldier on, friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It is important that we sometimes take the time to remind ourselves of our own worth.


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