Math Bio

In the past I have had my students write their math autobiography. I wanted to hear about when and how they learned about numbers. Did they learn 1-2-3 while climbing up and down stairs? And I ask them to include what numbers are important to them and why.

Here are a few of mine.

5- I was the fifth of my parents eight children.

23- our house number growing

313- I was born on the thirteenth day of the third month

1920- the year my mom was born

2644- I remember how our phone number ended growing up, and I can still remember living without a phone! Imagine.

3416, 4484- phone numbers for my cousins, we called everyday to meet


8 thoughts on “Math Bio

  1. I have my third graders complete a “Me in Numbers” poster at the start of the year as a way to get to know each other and we always have fun. I never thought of it as a math autobiography and could definitely add which numbers are important to them (and why). I like it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a fun way to reflect on memories, especially for someone who clearly values math and the significance of numbers. We did a similar activity with fourth graders at the start of the year as an ice breaker. They illustrated their numbers and then used their finished piece to help others learn about them in a new way. Thanks for sharing!

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  3. I love the number 11 – my birthday number and a double number and a prime! I like the simple structure of your slice that says so much through words and numbers!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love this idea of incorporating numbers and math to tell a narrative about one’s self! How do the kids react? Do they love it? Thanks for sharing this!


    1. Yes, they do love writing about their favorite numbers. Check it out. I’m blogging with my class, grades 3-4-5 too.


  5. What an incredible idea!


  6. Oh my gosh – I love this! I have my English students write a Reader’s autobiography. Maybe I’ll add this idea in next time around. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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